Central Dental Group is a general dental practice in the heart of Wodonga. We’ve been looking after our community for more than 15 years.

Find out why we’re the region’s most trusted dentists for people at every stage of life.

Something to smile about.


You’ll find we take the time to understand your needs.

Whether it’s a regular checkup or something more complex, we want to make every visit to your dentist a clear, calm and comfortable experience.

Our services include:

  • Regular check-ups are important, not just for your teeth but also for your gums and your general oral health.

    Tooth decay or gum disease can often be detected early which makes treatments and prevention easier. In general, we recommend a check-up every 6 to 12 months.

    At your check-up, we’ll look at the following:

    • Oral hygiene and diet
    • Health of teeth, lips, cheeks and gums
    • Risk of tooth decay and gum disease
    • Signs of tooth wear
    • Growth and alignment of teeth and jaws
    • Any bite problems

    If treatments beyond your check-up are required, we’ll give you a comprehensive dental treatment plan with associated costs.

  • Because we’re committed to preserving and restoring your original teeth, we believe you can achieve brilliant results by having your teeth cleaned and cared for during an oral hygiene visit.

    Each 45-minute appointment includes a check-up of your teeth and gums, an assessment of gum issues, a thorough scale, a clean and a polish. This visit complements your regular check-up with a dentist. If required, both services can be provided in one visit.

    Dental hygienist visits are important for patients with tartar buildup and plaque management. This helps maintain healthy teeth and gums and can assist in avoiding serious issues.

    Oral Health Therapists are trained to provide oral hygiene treatment and advice. They are also accredited to provide limited dental services such as check-ups and fillings in children and young adults. These services are provided in consultation with the referring dentist in a ‘shared care’ arrangement.

  • This is one of our most popular treatments as it gives suitable patients an immediate result. We recommend you first attend a check-up and full clean, including assessing your teeth and gum health. We can then advise on the best whitening treatment.

    The in-chair whitening takes 60 to 90 minutes, with three to four cycles of a whitening procedure. You will be given aftercare advice and a take-home kit to help maintain your whitening.

  • Endodontic treatment (also known as root canal treatment) aims to save a tooth badly damaged due to decay, disease or injury.

    Symptoms of a tooth that may require this treatment include pain, sensitivity to heat or cold, tooth discolouration and soreness or swelling in the gums. The pulp of the tooth may have become severely inflamed or infected. If left untreated, severe pain and abscesses (infection at the end of the roots) can occur.

    Treatment involves an opening being made through your tooth to access the pulp. Using special instruments, your dentist will remove the inflamed or infected pulp. Each root canal is cleaned, enlarged and shaped. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial medicines are placed inside the root canal for several weeks to help stop the inflammation and infection.

    At your next appointment, each canal is cleaned, dried and filled with a material called gutta percha. This protects the inside of your tooth and prevents further infection.

    Your dentist may also recommend that the treated tooth be crowned to improve its strength and decrease the risk of fracturing.

  • Periodontal treatment aims to stop or slow down the progression of gum disease. With regular treatments and ongoing maintenance, our team of dentists and hygienists can give you a better chance of keeping your teeth for life.

    Periodontal disease is the inflammation and infection of the gums. It is caused by plaque, a thick and sticky film of bacteria that builds up on the teeth.

    In the early stages of gum disease, bacteria in plaque and calculus can cause gingivitis, which is an inflammation of the gums. Gingivitis can usually be treated by removing plaque and calculus, followed by thorough yet gentle cleaning (regular flossing and brushing).

    The advanced stage of gum disease is called periodontitis. It can cause serious damage to teeth, gums and the bone that supports the teeth. As inflammation and infection worsen, pockets form between the gum and teeth. The gums may recede and, as a result, the teeth can become loose, fall out or require extraction.

    Signs of periodontal disease include;

    • red, swollen, tender, painful or bleeding gums
    • gums that have shrunk from the teeth
    • persistent bad breath
    • a bad taste in the mouth
    • loose teeth, drifting apart of teeth and gaps appearing

  • Crowns, bridges and veneers are all applications that provide the option of bringing teeth back to their former glory; to restore form and function.

    Some patients choose these treatments for a better quality of life by replacing missing or non-functioning teeth or improving the appearance of teeth. You can discuss what’s involved with your dentist, including groove shape, shade, colour and relative sizing.

    If there is something about your teeth you think could be improved, talk to your dentist.


    A crown covers a damaged tooth, preserving and improving appearance, shape and alignment. Crowns are made from porcelain or ceramic materials and are crafted to match existing teeth. The crown is bonded to your existing teeth to improve form and function, and to ensure your bite retains its normal position.

    Improving your bite by building up a compromised tooth also ensures that your existing teeth do not become overworn, which can create a secondary problem.


    A bridge is often used to replace a missing tooth or teeth. It is sometimes an alternative treatment to replacing teeth with dental implants. The device is attached to adjoining teeth or implants on either side.

    A bridge allows you to preserve the look of your teeth and maintain your proper bite and function. Replacing missing teeth also assists in maintaining facial form and can prevent other teeth from becoming overused.


    A veneer is a thin layer of material placed over a tooth, either to improve the look of the tooth or to protect it.

    The veneer is made of a dental composite or porcelain. Veneers can enhance the look of your teeth, which may have become discoloured or uneven over time. Talk to your dentist about how you want your smile to look, how many teeth you want to show, and what the right shade and shape might be.

    All restorations are designed and handcrafted in Australia using only TGA-approved materials to ensure clinical performance and safety.

  • Fissures are the grooves that naturally occur on the biting surface of teeth. If the fissures are deep and narrow, toothbrush bristles cannot fit inside to clean. Trapped food attracts bacteria which eventually leads to tooth decay.

    Fissure sealants are coatings that fill these fissures and protect the teeth from dental plaque and acids. Treatment is painless and non-invasive, with a coat of sealant applied to the cleaned tooth to form a physical barrier.

    While an intact fissure sealant offers excellent protection against decay on the treated surface, your dentist or therapist cannot guarantee that treatment will prevent decay on all tooth surfaces.

Questions? We’re here to help.

We pride ourselves on making sure our patients are fully informed.

If you have any questions about your dental health, appointments, payments or anything else, we’re just a phone call or email away.

Our FAQs also provide helpful information.